Barbara's road to Ironman and other adventures

The diary and photo log of Barbara's Great Adventures on the Road to Ironman Canada 2006.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Photos From Louie Tri.

Sunday Jan 22, 2006
Time: 8:00am

Getting instructions for the course including the swim route, which includes swimming around boats.

I even brought my foam roller and yogo mat to stretch before the start and after the finish.

[Above] The March of the Ironmen and the start of the event.

[Right] We're off and swimming.

Yep...that's me swimming and getting interviewed by Channel 2 news.!!!

[Below] Getting help taking off my wetsuit. I was so cold my hands and fingers couldn't pull off the wetsuit. During Ironman there is a "Stripper" who helps take off your I mean wetsuit. In no other triathlon are you allowed any help with your removing your wetsuit.

[Right] After the longest transtition time known to man, I'm ready to ride, and can hopefully stay warm on the bike. (Notice the skill cap under the helmet, long pants, jacket, gloves). Last time I did a practice tri on Treasure Island, my hands were so cold I couldn't shift the gears on my bike, and couldn't feel my feet until the run. This time I put on plenty of clothes reminding myself this is just a practice, no more, no less. I'm not qualifying for Kona (Ironman World Championship).

[Left] Smiling and feeling happy on the bike. Hey I'm even warm.

There are no photos of my running...Why??? Because my left hip flexor was too sore to run. Coach Wayne noticed as I got off the bike I was limping to the transition area. He yelled out "Barbara if you can walk without limping I'll let you run" needless to say I did not run. Although I was "allowed" to walk for 10 minutes out and back to the start. I'm having a hard time recovering from this setback. Today is Feb 3, and I still am not able to run...yet that is...I've got to think positive, and do whatever it takes to recover.


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