Barbara's road to Ironman and other adventures

The diary and photo log of Barbara's Great Adventures on the Road to Ironman Canada 2006.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Toys for Stanford Children

My fellow ironteam mates collected toys and gift cards for the children at Stanford Hospital undergoing treatment for cancer. Below is a message of thanks:

From Kris:
"Good Morning Team... and happiest of holiday wishes to you all!!

The toys we collected were passed along to Keith and Brandy Regan on Tuesday morning. This morning I received the notes below from Brandy to thank us all and give a little insight into how the gifts will be appreciated by everyone.So... AWESOME JOB!!

regards - kris
From Brandy

"Perfect! All your efforts will pay off, believe me!!! Two years ago we did the same toy drive and let me tell you It was one of our best days.

To make a very long story short, two years ago there was a brother and sister who were diagnosed only 4 months of each other. Both were teenagers, both with two different types of cancer. For the older kids we had purchased $75 best buy cards. Anyways 4 months ago the sister had died. So we went to her funeral and afterwards her brother came up to us and said those gifts on Christmas made them feel so much better, as if other people cared about them as well. It was very heartwarming. It was his sisters funeral and he wanted to thank us for the gifts. Just goes to show every single act of kindness will and can make a difference.

Keith and I will also be purchasing gift cards from ColesCure for the teenagers. I find it so important that we all do a little bit to help each other out. Its amazing, what could be a small deed turns out to be something so rewarding and fulfilling.

The IronTeam amazes me. I have been training for my marathon and I can barely imagine my 26.2 miles. You all are very strong willed, emotionally and physically strong to accomplish such a goal. Im in awe!!! Please send our thank you's to the team. We will definitely let everyone know in the cancer ward what amazing work you all do....

Thank you again,


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