Barbara's road to Ironman and other adventures

The diary and photo log of Barbara's Great Adventures on the Road to Ironman Canada 2006.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Teammate's Quotes

Insites and thoughts from Ironman training.

“I’m tired. Really, really tired.”- Mo

(I have to agree with Mo, I've been really tired. In fact after Sunday's workout I slept for nearly 4 hours ~~ Barbara)

I feel pretty, oh so pretty (sweat is sexy and so are front loading washers)We haven’t been able to see the bed for weeks due to insane amounts of laundry. Thank the dear Lord he sprang for the high-efficiency washer/dryer when we moved in!
I am very excited to dress up (dressing up = anything but spandex), even if just to walk to the movies. It is hard to feel like a pretty girl when you are sweaty and gross 20 hours/weekend.- Katie D

Is that a chocolate chip floating in…shouldn’t have eaten that damn cookieYummy homemade chocolate chip cookies at the rest stops. Everything one could hope for.- Kristen

If you are on the course and feel the need to vomit, and it is NOT related to a dehydrated state, then consider vomiting.- Coach Wayne

Water stops now managed by Ritz-CarltonThe people at the water stop rocked! They had ice-cold towels! That was definitely a boost.- Rommel*

“I had been hydrating as planned (or so I thought), but oddly enough, I really did not have to pee. Usually by this point, if I was well hydrated, I should have to. Urine color should be clear to mildly yellow. Mine was nuclear yellow.” --Rommel


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