Barbara's road to Ironman and other adventures

The diary and photo log of Barbara's Great Adventures on the Road to Ironman Canada 2006.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

hungry, irritable, can’t sleep…

While YES I'm hungry all the time, I'm really not feeling irritable, short-tempered or snappy (well at least I don't think so, maybe I should ask my co-workers) . I'm not having problems sleeping especially after a hard workout. What I am feeling is overwhelmed and that I don't have enough time in the day to work/train/sleep/shop for food (it's amazing how long I can go...without going to the store. Hey maybe that's why I'm alway hungry!!!)/wash clothes/shower. Welcome to my world of Ironman training. Last night after work, swim till 8:30pm showered, when to the grocery store, got home at 9:30 pm put the food away, answered a couple of emails, then directly to bed. I'm not complaining, I'm just giving people an inside look into Ironman training. I'll have to update and post my thoughts during and after the Lake Berryessa maga training weekend.
Yes. I did swim 2 miles in the lake (1 hour), then rode 93 mile which included 10,400 feet of climbing. The bike alone took me 8 hrs and 18 minutes. Then on Sunday morning did a 10 mile run before breakfast.

Below are comments from Ironteam's web page

Hungry all the time? Irritable, short-tempered, snappy? Can’t sleep or having muscle twitches at night during recovery week? No worries, it’s sexy phase, at least you look good while you’re irritable.
Seriously, lots of feelings occur during race phase because we are doing longer distances, different areas of our bodies are getting sore (just about every muscle will get sore), and for most of us we’ve never gone these distances before for this long. Record what you’re feeling, tell your coaches, and know that the hungry, sore, and irritable feelings are fairly common.

Also, remember to get your bragging practice in so you got your game straight after Ironman. A 2 mile swim, 100 mile bike ride (Lake Berryessa), that’s something to brag/talk about. Our triple brick this weekend, our bike ride up Mt Diablo, pretty brag-worthy.
It’s best to kinda just slip it in the conversation when people ask you what you did for the weekend, for example:

lazy co-worker: Did you have a good weekend?
sexy Ironman participant: Yeah, it was pretty good.

lazy co-worker: What did you do?
sexy Ironman participant: Oh, not much. We went up to the lake, swam a couple miles and then went on this bike ride that was like a 100 miles or so. The next day we went on an hour plus run. Had breakfast afterwards, it was good.

lazy co-worker: Holy s#it are you serious?
sexy Ironman participant: Yeah, no big deal. Let me tell you about this coming weekend…


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