Barbara's road to Ironman and other adventures

The diary and photo log of Barbara's Great Adventures on the Road to Ironman Canada 2006.

Friday, July 07, 2006

July 6th Evening run and fall.....

Last night (July 6th) went for an 8-10 mile run, after work. I headed to Quarry Lakes in Fremont, since I know they have dirt trails (easier on the old legs) around the lakes and along Alameda Creek. My right knee and upper thigh was feeling sore going into the run, plus I was feeling pretty low energy, but figured I needed to push through it and get my run in. So off I went, then at mile 4 I felt this is enough I’m going turn around it wasn’t but a few minutes later, that I stumbled on a rock and hit the ground. I just sat there for a moment or two, looking a my bloody right hand and left knee, thinking “that’s it, I’m walking back to the car.” Got up and started slowly walking back, then starting thinking if this were Ironman, I can’t give up and walk back to the car. Just then I decided suck it up, clean your hand, and start running again!!! Of course I did a mental check first “Am I feeling pain? Sharp pain anywhere?” Answer NO. Therefore I after cleaning my hand in the park bathroom, I started a slow jog, then picked up the pace a bit and finished the last 4 miles back to my car.
Total mileage: 8
Time: 1 hr 45 minutes.

It was a slow pace, but I finished it!!

Friday (7/7) : Took an extra rest day off to heal a bit, and put in extra hours at work.
Saturday(7/8)….a 16 mile run.
Sunday (7/9) ….75 mile bike ride.

Monday (7/10) Sonny's Birthday. He would have been 56 years old. And very proud of his kids! I'll go by his grave site on Sunday to bring him flowers and a happy birthday balloon. This is why train and fund-raise to end cancer and all the deaths related to cancer !!!


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